The real fun that comes with award season is getting to check out the heinous dresses--and, yeah, okay, the pretty ones too.
The slideshows I will be critiquing this week all hold a common thread, the Oscars.
This Huffington Post slideshow commemorates the worst Oscar dresses of all time, and trust me, they are BAD.
I enjoyed this slideshow because the speed that the ticker went was long enough that I could read the captions on each photo but was short enough that I wasn't yawning the whole time.
There was no music for this slideshow, but that worked. Honestly, even if there was sound, I wouldn't hear it through my "Oh God's!" and "What was she thinking's?!"
Now, a lot of people were hating on Angelina Jolie's attitude pose, like the Descendants writers who poked some fun at her when they accepted their award.
BUT I'll be that girl who sticks up for her, because without the slit the dress is super boring, so really she had no choice but to stand like a tool.
This next slideshow is from and shows her various poses throughout the night. There is a clip from her presentation at the Oscars that plays simultaneously so the sound from the clip provides some background noise, though I don't believe it is intentional.
I'm really not a huge fan of music with a slideshow unless the slideshow is about music.
The target audience for new media is of a younger age range and frankly... they are already playing music on their iTunes! It's annoying to have to turn it off unless the music or sound to the slideshow really adds another element, such as music to a slideshow about a blues singer would be enhanced by his/her music.
The photo gallery I browsed was The gallery only had seven pictures, which I thought was inadequate.
I love slideshows as a medium of storytelling, but photo galleries don't tell a story. They are simply a way to gather pictures.